Reiki Services
Providing you with the tranquility and peace you need in this noisy world.
What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced ray-key), the Japanese word for Universal Life for Energy, is an ancient technique for reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and encouraging the body into a balanced and healed state of well-being. It is a gentle, subtle, yet powerful energy-healing art. Reiki comes from two Japanese words, Rei - meaning higher knowledge or spiritual consciousness (energy); Ki meaning life force or energy. So Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy or Universal life force energy. Reiki can be done in person or from a distance.
Benefits of Reiki
Relieves Stress & Tension
Reduces Anxiety
Relieves Depression
Encourages Mental Clarity
Strengthens Self-Esteem
Heightens Self-Awareness
Strengthens Intuition
Balances Energy Centers
Improves Sleep
Soothes Digestion
Promotes Health and Well-being
Aids with Pain Management
Offers Support for Recovery
The Five Principles of Reiki
Just for today:
I will let go of anger.
I will let go of worry.
I will do my work honestly.
I will be grateful for my many blessings.
I will be kind to every living thing.
Reiki Sessions
During your Reiki Sessions, we will focus collectively on the process and discuss goals and expectations. During in-person sessions please dress comfortably, remove jewelry, and switch your phone off until the end of your session. Drink plenty of water after your session is complete.
Session times and prices vary, please contact us for pricing.